It is only the middle of the month and I am struggling to find my motivation.
Anyone else?
When you have anxiety it can be unpredictable by showing up at any given moment in time.
You can experience racing thoughts that can make your adenaline go on high drive so you are going 100 miles an hour trying to accomplish everything on your too long to do list.
Other times you are paralyzed by fear - and while you may physically look like you are doing nothing - your brain activity is doing an ultra ironman.
Both result in extreme mental fatigue and exhaustion.
The demands and expectations in today's world are hard to keep up with.
The state of the world is worrisome and we are over exposed to all of it.
We hear so many more reports about global shortages, problems, crisis', and diasters and less about solutions, bridging gaps and working harmoniously to resolve conflict.
As I sit here and write this I wonder how can I make this post seem more upbeat and less gloomy.
The truth is these darker winter months can be tough ones for me if I am not on top of it. I tend to be in my head more and feel all the feels.
Do any of you have trouble with the same winter month blues? How do you tackle it?
My motivation is lacking but I know it is up to me to make sure I don't get swallowed up by my own anxiety.
It is really important for me to protect my peace at all cost so that may mean limiting how much news and media I take in on a daily basis.
I have to force myself to get outside for a walk because I could hide from the cold all winter if I let myself.
Limiting my screen time is always hard to do but a must!
Connection when it comes to in-person is something that must stay high on my priority list because it always guarantees to bring me joy spending time with people who fill my cup.
And just a note that you do have to know the difference between those who fill your cup versus the ones who drain it.
What is super tricky for me is the spinning out of control mind benders I can go on when I feel overwhelmed by having too much on my plate.
I don't like to disappoint anyone so I always take on more than I can handle - and I need to recognize that sometimes this type of behaviour can make me more susceptible to being taken advantage of by others.
Anyone else have a hard time saying no without feeling guilty?
How does one create better boundaries and enforce them without feeling like you are a failure?
In 2024, I feel that the more boundaries I try to establish the less people may like me. Is that true?
I guess I do really need to start worrying less what others think of me and respect myself more. Afterall, I am the only one who knows what it is I need to be healthy and happy.
Change is hard but I think going outside of my comfort zone and hopefully building a path forward, I will always find my footing.
I need my energy and somedays I feel that is a really hard thing to find. Being a middle aged women is not for the faint of heart.
If I have learned anything, I have learned that if you don't give up on yourself, you can achieve great things.
I know some of you may also face challenges with your anxiety and I am here to say to you: I understand you, believe in you and care about you.
Take care of yourself and stop comparing yourself to others. We are all wired differently and while it may not seem it, everyone struggles with something at one time or another.
On the other side of love is fear - so always reach for love when the fear sets in.
I don't know if any of this has made sense to any of you but if it has and you are still reading - thank you for reading to the end (almost).
As some smart women I admire said not too long ago, keep putting one foot in front of the other. As long as you are moving forward, you are going in the right direction.
The world is hard so be tender with yourself and your thoughts. Honour yourself when you need a break - take it. It is okay to need one and no one else gets to decide that except you.
What is hard now may not be tomorrow. Keep your chin up, use your voice and live your happy.
We are halfway there and some of our best days are still ahead of us. ♥️
Jules xo
Well said Jules. You are one smart individual and your writing reminds me to enjoy my days. When things pile up remember to be kind to yourself. Keep writing. ❤️🥰💕💝🌷
Thank you for allowing yourself to be vulnerable and sharing Julie! I could have written so much of this. Anxiety can be so much worse during these months and even though I know what to do, it can still creep up. I am a huge advocate of a healthy routine of moving my body, self care, keeping a gratitude journal and spending quality time with those that fill up my cup. I have just spent the last two weeks sick so when I can’t do these things it really affects me physically and mentally. However, today is a new day, the sun is shining and I have so much to be grateful for. Let’s look for the glimmer! ⭐️✨💫